
Saturday, April 28, 2018

A Long Overdue Update

Has it really been five months since I've updated this little space?!!! I haven't posted since Lily's birthday and I missed Izzie's altogether! As I sit here wondering why in the world I've neglected it for so long, I remember that two weeks after Lily's birthday, we moved across town at the beginning of December, which means December was a little crazy, unpacking boxes AND trying to do all the usual Christmas things. So that accounts for December. We found out two days before Christmas that we were expecting Knox baby number 4, and starting a week into the new year began the sickest, most difficult pregnancy I've ever had! I spent January through March sick all day everyday, to the point that even taking a walk was out of the question. My poor girls became quite independent, and while many days I beat myself up, they thought it was pretty great making their own lunches and fending for themselves a lot of the time (though, I think they are glad to have their normal mom back!) First trimester sickness finally wore off a few weeks ago, and my energy is just starting to come back as well.
What with how sick I was, how different every single aspect of the pregnancy has been from the others, and even how low this baby is, I was absolutely sure it was a boy (though I truly had no preference either way). I was in total shock to find out, it's another girl! We are thrilled, and it looks like if Brad ever feels the need for some male companionship in the house, we'll be looking at dogs! ;) We have a name tentatively picked out, but for now at least, we're keeping quiet about it:)
Shortly after we announced our pregnancy, two cousins on Brad's side of the family announced that they are expecting as well, and all three of us are due within a few weeks of each other! That will make 11 great grandchildren for Daddy K (Brad's grandpa) in just seven years! Pretty amazing and what a blessing for him to get to meet all these great grandbabies!
Winter in Helena was LONG. In fact, we spent Easter under snow, and got another good six inches a week after Easter! This past week was the first truly spring-like week, and with some rain and sunshine, the grass has started to green, the daffodils and tulips are popping, and I noticed yesterday the trees have sprouted little buds! The girls and I have been spending practically every waking moment soaking it up. I was worried about the small size of our yard, but their ability to have fun for hours a day in the most creative of ways has absolutely blown my mind! They found a bunch of old tree branches and leaned them up all around a lilac bush and put upside down decorative buckets inside for chairs in their "Teepee". This is where they have their meetings to decide what they will do/play/build each day. So far, out of sticks, pinecones, mud, rocks, and a bunch of glass marbles they found in the back, they have built New York City and Central Park. (They are fascinated with NYC and have been for a couple of years, I don't know why! But, I promised when all 4 of them are a little older, we'll take them there...I've always wanted to go too!) Today is the first Farmer's Market of the season, and we are with in walking distance, so that's how we'll kick off this glorious weekend!

This was sometime in early April when we it wasn't TOO cold out, and we had a picnic on the porch while there was still a foot of snow in the yard. Popsicles for the win!

Easter, 2018
Izzie turned three in March (!!!), though until the new baby is born, I still see Izzie as my baby. When I see her next to an actual baby or toddler, it always throws me off, how big she really is. She is most definitely NOT a baby, but she sure loves being the youngest. I'm talking up the 'big sister' thing, hopefully getting her excited so that the jealousy isn't too severe come September. She's a TOTAL mama's girl, and often gives Brad the 'stank eye' when he offers to help her or carry her or whatever the case may be. It's mom or nothing, which is sweet (for me, not Brad so much....) but can cause tantrums when I'm not available. Obviously, she loves her daddy too, she just reeeeaaaally likes me right now. Maybe a little pre-new-baby jealousy??

Lily and Addison are growing...and growing and growing. I got Spring/Summer clothes out of storage weeks ago, and shoes that fit them last month are getting tight. Addison (the pickiest and slowest eater of the three) is asking for second and third helpings at lunch and dinner, and then she wants to go straight to bed. I can hardly believe I'll have a seven year old in a few short months!!!
Lily has been doing ballet since early February, and has her first performance in mid-May, which I'm SO excited to see. We had planned on letting Addison do soccer in the Spring, but decided to wait to do Fall soccer due to extreme weather still happening when Spring season started a few weeks ago. And Izzie happily watches her sisters and does her own thing from the sidelines.

Lily is in the black; for some reason, I only have pictures from the back. I'll get some better ones at her recital coming up!
We visited my sister and her husband (and their three-legged cat) in Seattle over Spring break and had a lot of fun, though it was cut short due to sickness. Everything was so green and bright, even under the Seattle cloud cover. And it was fun to get to see their apartment and finally see the campus where she went to college, and where she is currently employed. The girls had a blast going to the zoo, seeing the Space Needle, and hiking down to Puget Sound.

Brad has been working full time as a long term sub at one of the high schools here, and has really enjoyed his class, though different from his usual P.E. or Health curriculum. The sub position ends Thursday, which he's sad about because he's grown so fond of all the students there (he's been working at the high school since January, so most of a semester). Friday, he'll start a summer job working full time for our pastor's lawn care company. We are so thankful that God has provided consistent work since we moved back. Now we are just praying for a full time permanent teaching position in the Fall! We are open to several possibilities and praying for the Lord's will to be clear to us, and would greatly appreciate your prayers as well!:)
Well, that's all for now! We love and miss you all who are far away, but are thankful for phone, e-mail, facebook, and good old-fashioned snail mail to help us keep in touch. I'm adding a few more pics from the last few months at the end. Hope you are all having a wonderful Spring!
Much Love, the Knoxes

St. Patties Day, I tortured them to get a picture in the cold:)

19 weeks


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