Just wanted to give an update on the whole we bought a meth house situation...
What a month it's been. We got official lab results back showing different levels throughout the house. The MT limit for a "safe" level is .01ppm or less. Our kitchen tested highest, at 7.7ppm (or 77 times what the state of MT deems safe for occupancy). Other parts tested lower, but only the garage and shed were negative for the presence of meth. The good news is that it doesn't appear to have been a lab. The numbers helped us to determine what we could and couldn't save of our belongings. Basically, all of the kid's stuff had to go, besides clothes and the bunk bed frame, which we will wash and test. We got rid of mattresses, pillows and bedding, shoes, toys, stuffed animals, books, and art/craft items. We cleaned our non-porous furniture and tested it, and were able to save everything hard. I'm estimating, but I believe we have had to part with about 2/3 of our belongings.
You might wonder why I mention our material possessions before mentioning our selves...that's because we are fine:) The biggest blessing is that we realized the house was contaminated and left immediately, before any ill effects occurred.
Currently, we are renting a house that is on the market, which means it could sell at any time, but we are hopeful that we can stay a few months and get through the holidays and the legal things that will be taking place. It's an adorable little 1900 house right in our old neighborhood, which is strangely comforting for me.Icouldn't have asked for a lovelier place to stay through the storm. We have settled in and somehow, life almost feels normal. I know we are just in the calm of the storm. There will be work and more costs ahead, and everything is uncertain, but for now...for now, we have our own space, a space to call home. It's been hardest on Addison, and I've struggled watching her suffer with all the moving around and lack of routine, but she is doing good now, and loves having new toys and books:) I am trying to get back to 'normal' life and doing simple things like cooking from scratch and letting them help me bake, going for walks and playing in the leaves, dressing up for Halloween and going trick or treating, and reading lots and lots of books to them. I feel like we've been running them ragged and I'm happy to slow down for a bit; hoping life will stay slow at least through Christmas. (Wait...is life ever slow at Christmas??)
Now the part I really want to get to: the blessings.
I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. Our church and community have stepped up in ways I never would have imagined. What started as the biggest nightmare has turned into one of the most tangible ways God has ever shown his love and care to me. Here are just a few of the ways people have helped...
Sharing their home
Bringing dinner/having us over for dinner
Anonymous basket left on the porch with toys, books, kitchen stuff and flowers
Family photo shoot (saving us money at Christmas!)
Organizing fundraisers
Lending/giving us furniture
Offering RV's, apartments and houses for us to stay in
Washing our contaminated clothing (we have 35 loads that each have to be washed 3x!)
Taking me out for wine;)
Bringing toys and books for my kids
Helping us move
Sending money and gift cards
Babysitting while I take care of business
Helping me go through and throw things away
Helping me wash every single thing, big and small, that was salvageable (thanks Mom!)
Helping us move
Giving generously and refusing to let me pay for services/goods
Praying for and with us
The amount of support that has come through on Go Fund Me is just astounding. We are beyond words. We have been able to (or will be able to when we have time) replace most everything that was lost, as well as save the rest for potential legal fees, remediation fees, or just helping with the loss from the money we had already put into the house. People are praying and we can feel the prayers. We are thankful. What an understatement that is!
The future is uncertain...will the sellers buy the house back? Will we be stuck with the house and have to pay tons of money for remediation? We have no idea but we are confident that the Lord works all things for good to those who love him. Your continued prayers are appreciated! Please pray for us to make godly decisions through the legal process, and to remain thankful, praising him no matter what.
Thank you thank you thank you! We are truly blessed and so thankful for you ALL.
My husband was and continues to be so impressed with your husband's faith. He has seriously mentioned it and verbally thanked God for Brad's example every day for the past 3 days (after talking with him). We are thankful for y'all, and we are continuing to pray and watch God work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the prayers guys! We appreciate it!!! And yes...his consistent faith is amazing!:)