

Welcome! We are the Knoxes. I'm Crystal, wife of Brad and writer of this blog. We are the parents of three rambunctious and sweet girls, Addison, Lily and Isabella (Izzie). Brad and I met in college. I quit for a few years and had returned to finish my degree and met him my second semester at Tennessee State (which makes me older but I won't say how much). We dated for seven months before we got hitched. Eleven months later, we had our first daughter. Sixteen months later came our second daughter, and then we took a little break and waited two years to have our third daughter. We've been married six wonderful years, graduated college, started a professional career (Brad), decided not to work and be a stay-at-home-mom (me), moved across the country, moved houses more times than we can count, bought a meth house (that was an accident), and brought three little people into the world. We currently rent a farmhouse, though there are no farm animals, which confuses our kid's friends. Our life has had more ups and downs than I ever imagined, but we wouldn't trade it. The ups have been amazing, and the downs have brought us closer together, strengthened us as a family, and forced us to depend of God like never before. I started this blog because I love writing and I love being real, sharing struggles, failures and successes, ideas, dreams, and things I'm learning along the way. If my words impact and encourage one person, I am successful. Thanks for being here.
xoxo, Crystal